Doctorant F/H Shape analysis of microstructure-augmented whiter matter fascicles

Type de contrat : CDD

Niveau de diplôme exigé : Bac + 5 ou équivalent

Fonction : Doctorant

A propos du centre ou de la direction fonctionnelle

Le centre Inria de l'Université de Rennes est un des neuf centres d’Inria et compte plus d'une trentaine d’équipes de recherche. Le centre Inria est un acteur majeur et reconnu dans le domaine des sciences numériques. Il est au cœur d'un riche écosystème de R&D et d’innovation : PME fortement innovantes, grands groupes industriels, pôles de compétitivité, acteurs de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur, laboratoires d'excellence, institut de recherche technologique

Contexte et atouts du poste

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in particular diffusion MRI (dMRI) provide detailed information about the macroscopic organisation of brain white matter (WM) fiber bundles (see Figure), with a method called fiber tractography. Complementary to the geometry of fibers, dMRI is also sensitive to the microscopic tissue structure and its alteration with pathology. The joint analysis of white matter fascicles and their associated microstructure organisation requires the development of specific mathematical representations.

Mission confiée

The main objective of this thesis will be the development of mathematical models of microstructure-augmented fascicle (MAF), which convey both the macro-structural information provided by tractography and the microstructural information provided by the diffusion models along the WM fascicles. In the context of the PASTRAMI (**Pa**tient-specific **s**tatistics for micros**tr**ucture-**a**ugmented connecto**mi**cs) collaborative project (funded by the PRC program, agence nationale de la recherche, 2023-2028), these representations will be used to derive patient-specific biomarkers of functional recovery in patients suffering from severe traumatic brain injury.

Principales activités

We will develop upon a shape analysis frameworks such as the LDDMM (Large Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping) framework that relies on Riemannian geometry and is well adapted to the study of anatomical structures, to construct the models for the representation of fiber bundles (which can be defined as 1-dimensional curves or 2-dimentional surfaces in R3) and their associated microstructure. In continuation, we will also analyse the brain connectome, which represents the network of connected gray matter regions in the brain. We will build upon methods developed for the analysis of graphs with complex data.


We look for candidates strongly motivated by challenging research topics in neuroimaging. The applicant should present a good background in applied mathematics. Basic knowledge in image processing would be a plus. Good knowledge of computer science aspects is also mandatory, especially in Python and C++.


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  • Restauration subventionnée
  • Prise en charge partielle des frais de mutuelle
  • Possibilité de télétravail (à hauteur de 90 jours annuels) et d'aménagement du temps de travail


Salaire mensuel brut de 2 100 € les deux premières années et 2 190€ la troisième année.