Post-Doctorant F/H [Campagne, welcome package] Mathematical analysis of metastable processes

Type de contrat : CDD

Niveau de diplôme exigé : Thèse ou équivalent

Fonction : Post-Doctorant

Niveau d'expérience souhaité : Jeune diplômé

Contexte et atouts du poste

The source of many phenomena in physical and life sciences, and in most engineering disciplines, is to be found in microscopic features of the system under consideration. Linking the properties of matter at these different scales is a major challenge, both from the theoretical perspective (understanding how to link a model or an equation at a certain scale to another one at a different scale) and the numerical one (how to couple two consistent descriptions of matter, e.g. atomistic and continuum, using the same code).

MATHERIALS originally focused on computational chemistry issues (electronic structure calculations for materials, laser control of chemical reactions) before gradually widening its scope beyond such considerations and their applications, and applying its expertise to related topics at very different scales. This has led to studies in molecular dynamics (in situ molecular system evolution), in computational statistical mechanics (computation of ensemble averages), and studies of relationships with more traditional mechanical models at the continuum scale and multiscale simulation of fluid or solid materials in general (including periodic and random homogenization).

MATHERIALS currently offers a range of expertise, rarely found on the international scene, in a number of promising topics for numerical simulation and applied mathematics in general: molecular chemistry, solid-state physics, numerical modeling in materials science, etc.

Mission confiée

The aim of the postdoctoral work will be to quantify, from a mathematical viewpoint, the metastability of certain stochastic processes through the study of quasi-stationary distributions, in particular in the situation where the metastability has an entropic origin.


Principales activités

The postdoctoral fellow will conduct his/her research within the MATHERIALS team, interacting mostly with Tony Lelievre, Gabriel Stoltz and Urbain Vaes. He/She will write research articles and present his/her work in international conferences.


Langues : français, anglais

Compétences additionnelles appréciées : capacité à présenter clairement des résultats mathématiques


  • Restauration subventionnée
  • Transports publics remboursés partiellement
  • Congés: 7 semaines de congés annuels + 10 jours de RTT (base temps plein) + possibilité d'autorisations d'absence exceptionnelle (ex : enfants malades, déménagement)
  • Possibilité de télétravail
  • Aménagement du temps de travail (après 12 mois d'ancienneté)
  • Équipements professionnels à disposition (visioconférence, prêts de matériels informatiques, etc.)
  • Prestations sociales, culturelles et sportives (Association de gestion des œuvres sociales d'Inria)
  • Accès à la formation professionnelle
  • Sécurité sociale


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