PhD Position F/M Resources for bosonic quantum computing: identification and verification

Le descriptif de l’offre ci-dessous est en Anglais

Type de contrat : CDD

Niveau de diplôme exigé : Bac + 5 ou équivalent

Fonction : Doctorant

Contexte et atouts du poste

Within the framework of a partnership:

This PhD project is in the framework of the project Veriqub, funded by the European Innovation Council, which aims to develop a new approach to the efficient verification of resourceful quantum computing architectures with bosons, using continuous-variable measurements.

Mission confiée

Under the supervision of the PI Ulysse Chabaud in the team QAT (hosted by CASCADE), the recruited person will deepen the understanding of quantum computational resources in the context of bosonic quantum information processing.

For a better knowledge of the proposed research subject :
Quantum information processing promises considerable advantages over classical information processing, especially for computation, cryptography, communication, and sensing. In recent years, alternative approaches to quantum information processing in which bosons are the carriers of information have attracted increasing attention, because they offer a viable path to fault-tolerance and scalability. For instance, bosonic modes of light in quantum optics allow for the deterministic generation of the largest entangled quantum states to date, over a million of addressable subsystems, while bosonic modes of superconducting microwave cavity fields coupled to circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) provide exciting prospects for quantum error-correction. Regardless of their underlying architecture, identifying what makes quantum computers more powerful than their classical counterparts is a very active area of research. These are fundamentally quantum properties such as entanglement, contextuality and non-Gaussianity, to name but a few. These properties of physical systems, which are indispensable to any quantum advantage over classical computers, are known as quantum computing resources. Their theoretical understanding is of major importance for the development of quantum computing technologies.

The recruited person will be in connection with various international researchers, including those involved in the Veriqub project (both theorists and experimentalists) from Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel in Paris, France, from the University of Milan in Italy, and from the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Principales activités

Main activities:

  • Literature review
  • Participation to local seminars and workshops as well as international conferences
  • Developping autonomy as a researcher
  • Participation to the life of the team
  • Writing of research articles and thesis manuscript


Technical skills and level required :

Languages :

Relational skills :

Other valued appreciated :


  • Subsidized meals
  • Partial reimbursement of public transport costs
  • Leave: 7 weeks of annual leave + 10 extra days off due to RTT (statutory reduction in working hours) + possibility of exceptional leave (sick children, moving home, etc.)
  • Possibility of teleworking
  • Flexible organization of working hours (after 12 months of employment) 
  • Professional equipment available (videoconferencing, loan of computer equipment, etc.)
  • Social, cultural and sports events and activities
  • Access to vocational training
  • Social security coverage