Inria job offers
164 job offers
Inverse design of an optical power splitter using a global optimization method
- Job reference: 2024-08080
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Internship Research Activity (Master/Engineering Level) - Agricultural field boundary extraction from satellite image time series data via geometric aware deep learning approaches
- Job reference: 2024-08442
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : EVERGREEN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Using AI as Design Material: Exploring the potential of GenAI for Design Practice (M/F)
- Job reference: 2025-08605
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : LOKI
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Designing for Explainability in Sustainable AI (M/F)
- Job reference: 2025-08602
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : LOKI
- Deadline to apply :
Tiny Virtual Machines, Software Update Security and Open Source Embedded Rust
- Job reference: 2025-08669
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : TRIBE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Cooperative Inference Strategies
- Job reference: 2024-07823
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
Production Engineer for the Coq Platform
- Job reference: 2024-08181
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : SED-SOP
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Online Learning with Limited Resources
- Job reference: 2024-08305
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
European Project Manager
- Job reference: 2024-08329
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : DDO-SCE
- Deadline to apply :
Research internship: hydrology-guided underground model for realistic terrains
- Job reference: 2024-08422
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : GRAPHDECO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Scalable Translation Validation for High-Performance Computing and Machine Learning
- Job reference: 2024-07562
- Town/city : Lyon
- Inria Team : CASH
- Deadline to apply :
Software engineer for AI in digital healthcare R&D
- Job reference: 2024-08439
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : SED-SOP
- Deadline to apply :
M2 internship - Unsupervised language-aided landmark discovery and matching for visual localization in complex environments
- Job reference: 2024-08454
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : TANGRAM
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Data-driven metamaterial identification: from wavefields to physical laws
- Job reference: 2024-08471
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : I4S
- Deadline to apply :
Offre de Stage : Comparaison de la performance de différentes familles d’ondelettes appliqué à la séparation de sources : Cas d’une décomposition de signaux électromyographiques évoqués à la suite d’une stimulation du nerf périphérique
- Job reference: 2024-08490
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : CAMIN
- Deadline to apply :
Technical Project Manager – PEPR Cloud
- Job reference: 2024-07127
- Town/city : Nantes
- Inria Team : DGD-I
- Deadline to apply :
Research Engineer: Data Science and Security for Healthcare Applications
- Job reference: 2024-08282
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : EPIONE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Computational Bayesian optimal sensor placement for ocean models: a majorize-then-optimize strategy
- Job reference: 2025-08574
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : AIRSEA
- Deadline to apply :
Research software engineer
- Job reference: 2025-08589
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : CASCADE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M PhD - Designing next-generation seismic metamaterials with hybrid particle- and wave-based simulations
- Job reference: 2025-08607
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : I4S
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Characterisation of quantum computational systems
- Job reference: 2024-08499
- Town/city : Lyon
- Inria Team : QINFO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M FPGA-based Near Memory Computing Architectures
- Job reference: 2024-07893
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : TARAN
- Deadline to apply :
Technicien/Pilote Activité Maintenance et Inventaire
- Job reference: 2024-07594
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : STG-LYS
- Deadline to apply :
Full Stack Software Engineering Intern
- Job reference: 2025-08657
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : INCUB-PRO
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Reconstruction algorithms of the deformed voice in diving equipment via automatic control methods
- Job reference: 2025-08624
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : VALSE
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer for project PowDev
- Job reference: 2024-08147
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : EDGE
- Deadline to apply :
Coordonnateur Projets de recherche et de transfert (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08281
- Town/city : Paris - La Defense
- Inria Team : DGD-I
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Self-Synchronization in Power Networks with Periodic Dynamics
- Job reference: 2025-08696
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : VALSE
- Deadline to apply :
Homogeneous control for the twin-rotor system (M/F)
- Job reference: 2025-08698
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : VALSE
- Deadline to apply :
Apprenti(e) RH généraliste
- Job reference: 2025-08606
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : SRH-LYS
- Deadline to apply :
Stage Gestionnaire de Paie (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08334
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SGP
- Deadline to apply :
Fast anomaly detection in mobile phone data
- Job reference: 2025-08700
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : AGORA
- Deadline to apply :
Directeur général délégué/Directrice générale déléguée à l’Administration (DGD-A)
- Job reference: 2025-08752
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DGD-A
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctorant F/H Few-view efficient Gaussian avatar reconstruction
- Job reference: 2025-08621
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : VIRTUS
- Deadline to apply :
Doctorant F/H Lighting estimation from images for seamless integration of virtual objects into real scenes
- Job reference: 2025-08622
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : VIRTUS
- Deadline to apply :
Responsable des Affaires Financières
- Job reference: 2024-07998
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : DIR-LYS
- Deadline to apply :
Robotics Engineer Position H/F within the framework of the Extender project
- Job reference: 2025-08708
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : AUCTUS
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé de Médiation Scientifique H/F
- Job reference: 2025-08739
- Town/city : Centre Inria de Lille
- Inria Team : DCIS-MS
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer - Infering Logical Abstractions of Reaction Networks by Neural Networks: Preparing the Data (F/M)
- Job reference: 2025-08687
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : LINKS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M xOS: The End Of The Process-Thread Duo Reign
- Job reference: 2025-08712
- Town/city : Batiment IMAG
- Inria Team : KRAKOS
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur.e R&D Suivi d'humains et compréhension de scène en milieu structuré avec un robot Mirokaï
- Job reference: 2025-08710
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : AT-LOR AE
- Deadline to apply :
Gestionnaire financier et comptable (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-07336
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : AC-SVD
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Knowledge Graph-Based Provenance Modeling for the Evaluation of Interactive Visualization Tools
- Job reference: 2025-08715
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : WIMMICS
- Deadline to apply :
Doctorant F/H Diagnostic différentiel d’infarctus à partir de la parole
- Job reference: 2025-08716
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
Responsable du Pôle Carrière
- Job reference: 2025-08724
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SRC
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Development of numerical strategies for the computation of multiscale compressible multiphase flows
- Job reference: 2025-08722
- Town/city : Pau
- Inria Team : CAGIRE
- Deadline to apply :
Responsable de l’animation scientifique, de la communication et du laboratoire d’expérimentation (F/H)
- Job reference: 2025-08725
- Town/city : Puteaux
- Inria Team : Prog-Cyber
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Swarm behaviour: from mathematical models to experimentation with CrazyFlies drones
- Job reference: 2025-08644
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : CHROMA
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Phase Transitions in Artificial Neural Networks
- Job reference: 2025-08713
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : COATI
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post-Doctorant - Multi-robot formation control for collaborative SLAM
- Job reference: 2025-08640
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ACENTAURI
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Vision language models towards interpretable deep learning for Earth observation
- Job reference: 2025-08683
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : EVERGREEN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M on deep learning methods for mapping species interactions
- Job reference: 2025-08717
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : EVERGREEN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Advancing Grasp for people with upper limb paralysis: a shared control approach between the user and the assistive device
- Job reference: 2025-08723
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : CAMIN
- Deadline to apply :
Research internship on deep learning methods for mapping species interactions
- Job reference: 2025-08718
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : EVERGREEN
- Deadline to apply :
R&D Engineer - Feature Extraction for Activity Recognition
- Job reference: 2025-08730
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : STARS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Resource-Aware Conservative Static Analysis
- Job reference: 2025-08545
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SYCOMORES
- Deadline to apply :
Gestionnaire Administratif, Financier et Comptable H/F
- Job reference: 2025-08740
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DAFP
- Deadline to apply :
Gestionnaire Administratif, Financier et Comptable H/F
- Job reference: 2025-08741
- Town/city : Paris ou Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DAFP
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Numerical simulation of coupled Seismo-Hydro-Mechanical processes in seismicity induced by subsurface fluid injection
- Job reference: 2025-08631
- Town/city : Nice
- Inria Team : AT-SOP AE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Combining Neural and Physically-Based Rendering with Generative Models
- Job reference: 2025-08738
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : GRAPHDECO
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé de gestion des contrats de recherche H/F
- Job reference: 2025-08748
- Town/city : Rennes ou Rocquencourt
- Inria Team : DAFP-SR
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur développeur de la bibliothèque skrub au sein du projet P16 H/F
- Job reference: 2025-08744
- Town/city : Saclay
- Inria Team : ADPnum
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Deep algorithmic models for causal discovery from individual observations
- Job reference: 2025-08742
- Town/city : Saint Martin d'Hères
- Inria Team : SPADES
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Forming carbon fiber fabrics by visual servoing
- Job reference: 2025-08674
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : RAINBOW
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M pre-doc position / Deep Neural Networks for Analyzing Non-Verbal Behavior during Clinical Interactions
- Job reference: 2025-08731
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : STARS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M [Campagne Allocation Région 2025] Robotization of Cochlear Implant Insertion Surgery: Modeling, Simulation, and Control (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08530
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : DEFROST
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M [Campagne Allocation Région 2025] Automatic Generation of Attack Chains for Detecting and Preventing Software Vulnerability (F/M)
- Job reference: 2025-08654
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : EVREF
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M [Allocation Région 2025] Towards quantum-utility multi-objective variational optimisers (F/M)
- Job reference: 2025-08662
- Town/city : Lille
- Inria Team : BONUS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M [Allocation Région 2025] Game Theory for Energy System Decarbonization (F/M)
- Job reference: 2025-08650
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : INOCS
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Emissions mapping & analysis of a geo-distributed computing infrastructure in comparison to centralised architectures
- Job reference: 2025-08677
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SPIRALS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Anticipating Human Behavior for Human-Robot Interaction
- Job reference: 2025-08735
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : THOTH
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Risk Measures in Task-Oriented Communications
- Job reference: 2025-08749
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : MARACAS
- Deadline to apply :
Temporary scientific engineer / Software engineering / Distributed programming and Software engineering / Graduate degree or equivalent - Automatic Generation of Attack Chains for Detecting and Preventing Software Vulnerability (F/M)
- Job reference: 2025-08756
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : EVREF
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctorant F/H trajectographie basée sur l'apprentissage automatique
- Job reference: 2025-08753
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : AT-LOR AE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M PhD position F/M: Guiding clinical routine practice decisions using amino-acid PET imaging for neuro-oncology with artificial intelligence
- Job reference: 2025-08758
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : TANGRAM
- Deadline to apply :
Researcher in clinical evaluation and regulation of Digital Medical Devices
- Job reference: 2025-08764
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : HEKA
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Data transmission strategy analysis in a multi-modal mobile network.
- Job reference: 2025-08743
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : FUN
- Deadline to apply :
Contrôleur de gestion sociale (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08526
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SPI
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur scientifique contractuel / Statistiques (Big data) / Vision, perception et interprétation multimedia
- Job reference: 2025-08751
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : WILLOW
- Deadline to apply :
Research engineer position on methods and tools for the construction, maintenance and querying of a decentralized knowledge hub in metabolomics
- Job reference: 2025-08684
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : WIMMICS
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post-Doctoral Position in AI and Human-Machine Interaction for Knowledge Graph Exploration in Metabolomics
- Job reference: 2025-08763
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : WIMMICS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Computational approaches for knowledge graph mining and completion dealing with uncertainty
- Job reference: 2025-08760
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : WIMMICS
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer - Block-structured quadrilateral meshing using medial axis
- Job reference: 2025-08774
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : PIXEL
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé(e) d’affaires européennes
- Job reference: 2025-08590
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DPE
- Deadline to apply :
Edge AI, Tiny Machine Learning, MLOps Security and Open Source Embedded Rust
- Job reference: 2025-08672
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : TRIBE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Inference of a demo-genetic model for sustainable plant resistance
- Job reference: 2025-08745
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : MACBES
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Bridging the gap between a safe programming language and a formal proof
- Job reference: 2025-08765
- Town/city : Lyon
- Inria Team : PASCALINE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Compact mesh generation for geological models
- Job reference: 2025-08777
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : TITANE
- Deadline to apply :
- Job reference: 2025-08779
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : AT-LOR AE
- Deadline to apply :
Gestionnaire Ressources Humaines (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08527
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SMGRH
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur.e de production des infrastructures de recherche - Lyon (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-07707
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : DSI-SP
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Topology Design for Decentralized Federated Learning
- Job reference: 2023-06130
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Distributed Machine Learning at the Network Edge
- Job reference: 2023-06139
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Reliability Enhancement of Post-Von Neumann Hardware Accelerators
- Job reference: 2025-08575
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : TARAN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Design and analysis of parametric adaptive real-time systems
- Job reference: 2025-08577
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SYCOMORES
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Modular compilation of real-time programs
- Job reference: 2025-08578
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SYCOMORES
- Deadline to apply :
INTERNSHIP Fairness in Image and Video Generation Methods
- Job reference: 2025-08609
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : ROBOTLEARN
- Deadline to apply :
INTERNSHIP Conditional generation Humans in Context
- Job reference: 2025-08610
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : ROBOTLEARN
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Numerical modeling of blood flow in HLHS patients for clinical decision support
- Job reference: 2024-08492
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : SIMBIOTX
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Knowdgets: Widgets Supporting Knowledge of Interaction
- Job reference: 2025-08643
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : LOKI
- Deadline to apply :
Administrateur / Administratrice support - DSI-CDS (H/F) - Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur
- Job reference: 2025-08652
- Town/city : Valbone
- Inria Team : DSI-CDS
- Deadline to apply :
Low rank matrix approximation and optimization applied to a diffusion MRI inverse problem in neurons
- Job reference: 2025-08676
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : IDEFIX
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Reliable Deep Neural Network Hardware Accelerators
- Job reference: 2025-08680
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : TARAN
- Deadline to apply :
Construction of torso conductivity map library from CT images and computation of statistical distributions of torso geometries
- Job reference: 2025-08682
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : IDEFIX
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Rare-event detection with local pattern modeling for large scale physical simulations
- Job reference: 2025-08705
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : MIND
- Deadline to apply :
Gestionnaire Administratif, Financier et Comptable H/F à Grenoble
- Job reference: 2024-07793
- Town/city : GRENOBLE
- Inria Team : DAFP
- Deadline to apply :
Contrôleur de gestion (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08420
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SBCG
- Deadline to apply :
Robotics Engineer Position H/F within the framework of the Courrier project
- Job reference: 2025-08711
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : AUCTUS
- Deadline to apply :
Cheffe / Chef de projet du Centre d’expertise de Paris pour la coopération internationale en IA
- Job reference: 2025-08714
- Town/city : Le Chesnay / Paris 13
- Inria Team : DG
- Deadline to apply :
Research Engineer F/M ShapeUp! Keiki
- Job reference: 2025-08601
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : MORPHEO
- Deadline to apply :
Juriste propriété intellectuelle et contrats H/F
- Job reference: 2025-08733
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : SAJ-SIF
- Deadline to apply :
Gestionnaire paie (F/H)
- Job reference: 2025-08750
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SGP
- Deadline to apply :
Assistante/Assistant administrative/administratif (H/F) du Programme Inria Quadrant
- Job reference: 2025-08612
- Town/city : Rocquencourt ou Lyon
- Inria Team : DG
- Deadline to apply :
Python software engineer for tslearn
- Job reference: 2025-08595
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : MISSION IA
- Deadline to apply :
Scalable and Resilient Distributed Storage
- Job reference: 2025-08755
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : WIDE
- Deadline to apply :
Assistant administratif d'équipes de Recherche (H/F)
- Job reference: 2025-08766
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : SAER-LYS
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur développement logiciel spécialiste en méthodes numériques haute-performance
- Job reference: 2025-08768
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : CONCACE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postdoctoral Position -- Discrete-time output feedback sliding mode methods.
- Job reference: 2025-08770
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : TRIPOP
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Higher-order interactions in the brain
- Job reference: 2025-08778
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : NERV
- Deadline to apply :
Development of components for a new generation of mathematical proof assistants
- Job reference: 2025-08780
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : PICUBE
- Deadline to apply :
Doctorant F/H LLM4Code : Coévolution continue du code pour les langages et bibliothèques grand public (LLM4Code : Continuous code co-evolution for mainstream languages and libraries)
- Job reference: 2025-08703
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : DIVERSE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Acceptability, usability and acceptance of a gamified motor rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy
- Job reference: 2025-08704
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : SEAMLESS
- Deadline to apply :
Developer for medical imaging cloud infrastructure
- Job reference: 2025-08719
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : SED-RBA
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Analysis and model of MR-related artifacts on EEG signal when recorded during a fMRI sequence
- Job reference: 2025-08701
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : EMPENN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Towards a programmable autonomic platform for decentralized learning
- Job reference: 2025-08726
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : MAGELLAN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M PhD position on Verification of Differential Privacy
- Job reference: 2024-08486
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SYCOMORES
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Latency-Driven container network optimization in edge industrial IoT
- Job reference: 2025-08736
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : MAGELLAN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Abstract Interpretation for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI4XAI)
- Job reference: 2025-08776
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : ANTIQUE
- Deadline to apply :
Experimentation and Development Service Manager
- Job reference: 2024-08093
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : SED-SAC
- Deadline to apply :
Responsable Juridique en Droit de la Fonction Publique
- Job reference: 2024-08060
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DRH
- Deadline to apply :
Research and Development Engineer (M/F), Formal Verification of Rust Programs
- Job reference: 2024-08516
- Town/city : Gif-sur-Yvette
- Inria Team : TOCCATA
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer Research and Development (M/F), Formal Verification
- Job reference: 2025-08540
- Town/city : Gif-sur-Yvette
- Inria Team : TOCCATA
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Robust Federated Learning
- Job reference: 2024-08353
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Machine Learning Trustability : Learning and Verification of Soft Automata
- Job reference: 2025-08697
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : AT-REN
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Low-Rank Compression Algorithms for H-matrices
- Job reference: 2025-08695
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : CONCACE
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé e de Ressources Humaines
- Job reference: 2025-08775
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SRC
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Automatic differentiation and control
- Job reference: 2024-07695
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : MCTAO
- Deadline to apply :
Research Engineer - Automatic differentiation and control
- Job reference: 2024-07696
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : MCTAO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M PhD student on privacy-preserving federate learning with applications in oncology
- Job reference: 2024-07158
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer - Scientific programmer in privacy-preserving federate learning with applications in oncology
- Job reference: 2024-07159
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postdoctoral position in Quantum Information Theory
- Job reference: 2024-07856
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : AT-SAC AE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Personalized patient follow-up
- Job reference: 2023-06821
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SCOOL
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Machine Learning based Program Recognition
- Job reference: 2024-08436
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : CASH
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M privacy preserving federated learning with applications in medical domains
- Job reference: 2024-07160
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer on private and decentralized machine learning for medicine (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08014
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Fullstack Python / Django Developer
- Job reference: 2025-08694
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : DGD-I
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Fully coupled algorithms for multiphase reactive transport, application to hydrogen storage in porous media
- Job reference: 2025-08675
- Town/city : Université Côte d'Azur, Campus de Valrose
- Inria Team : AT-SOP AE
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé(e) des partenariats et des projets d’Innovation - accompagnement à la création de start-up (F/H)
- Job reference: 2025-08721
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : STIP-PRO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M tVISt: Data Visualization Beyond Planar Displays
- Job reference: 2025-08747
- Town/city : Gif Sur Yvette
- Inria Team : AVIZ
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Construction of a simulation-ready torso conductivity map library and data generation for the electrical impedance tomography (EIT) Bayesian inverse problem
- Job reference: 2025-08762
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : IDEFIX
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postdoctoral researcher in Responsible AI for Journalism
- Job reference: 2025-08767
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : CEDAR
- Deadline to apply :
No-brain-shift and Comprehensive Neurosurgical Navigation using computer vision
- Job reference: 2025-08653
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : CAMIN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Formal Verification of Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programs
- Job reference: 2025-08539
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : OLAS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Identification robotique des paramètres musculaires du membre supérieur chez l'humain
- Job reference: 2025-08613
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : CAMIN
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Model placement in inference delivery networks
- Job reference: 2025-08759
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : TRIBE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M DIPTYQUE project: acquisition and rendering of animated furniture for realistic museographic reproduction
- Job reference: 2024-08491
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : MANAO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Stochastic modelling of dynamical resource allocation and analysis of single-cell data
- Job reference: 2025-08547
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : MICROCOSME
- Deadline to apply :
Engineering structural bioinformatics applications: dissemination tools and media
- Job reference: 2025-08633
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ABS
- Deadline to apply :
Internship: Towards expressive and tractable surrogate models for large scale inverse problems
- Job reference: 2024-08275
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : STATIFY
- Deadline to apply :
Engineering structural bioinformatics applications: algorithms and code optimization
- Job reference: 2025-08634
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ABS
- Deadline to apply :
Internship : Deep Neural Networks for the design of nanophotonic devices
- Job reference: 2025-08639
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Computational design of next-generation optical metasurfaces
- Job reference: 2024-08398
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Development and application of AI-based numerical modeling tools for nanophotonics
- Job reference: 2025-08689
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :